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Too early for tomorrow... our pet project

Sunday, April 29, 2012


As Indians we tend to generalise certain things. Sometimes we overdo it. In this post I will highlight some such generalisations common in India.

Xerography (or photocopying as some prefer) is generally called Xerox in India. Xerox (the brand) may not have anything to complain about regarding this as they must be getting free publicity about this. But when you see copying on any machine, be it a Cannon , a Kyocera or a Toshiba, being referred to as xerox you say "O ye gods!"

Have you been to the corner shop and asked for Surf and then the shop-keeper asks you which one you want? And then you say Ariel?
Detergents have been generalised as Surf for generations now. Whether you want Ariel, Tide, Nirma, Sunlight or Rin, you just go and ask for Surf.

Ever been asked what Windows you have on your laptop and you tried to explain to the inquisitive person that you actually do not have any Windows on your laptop, and yes the laptop still runs and does most things that you would like it to do.
Computer Operating Systems have been identified by Windows, mostly because of the absence of other players in the commercial market. To most people you must have some form of Windows on your computer.

I believe this is typical only to Bengal. Don't be surprised if you are asked "Are you a Bengali or a Hindusthani?" in Bengal (if you wonder if Bengal is not a part of India then you are not at fault). For many Bengalis all Hindi speaking people are Hindusthanis. All South Indians are Madrasis, irrespective of whether one has ever been to Chennai in one's life. And all people with mongoloid features are Nepalis, even if the person belongs to the northern parts of their very own state.

All chocolates are Cadbury's. So if someone offers you a Cadbury's but hands you a Nestle eclairs, please don't be surprised.

I will keep adding to this list as and when I recall more such instances... 

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